Read Alouds by Famous Actors


Reading practice isn't just about having your child read to you. It's important for them to hear adults reading books and for them to listen to stories and discuss them. This is important for many reasons, but especially for helping your child improve their reading comprehension. Reading picture books isn't just for little kids, big kids love them too! Also, most kids are ready to listen to you read chapter books to them by kindergarten, starting with shorter chapter books and moving on to longer ones, as their stamina allows. Read 1 chapter at a time and then have a conversation with your child about what you just read. Ask them questions like:
  • What do you think will happen next? What makes you think that?
  • Why do you think ___ did ____?
  • Do you think this is real or pretend? (For older children, use the words fiction or nonfiction.)
  • What would you have done if you were the main character?

Looking for some ways to have your child read to when you are busy? There are many read alouds on YouTube, and some really fun ones by actors you may recognize. Check out the many selections by Storyline Online

Don't want to give your child access to YouTube? I have a few favorites on a slide that will prevent kids from clicking on to something else. Click here to check them out!